Fear Not - Worry

Scripture Reading - Luke 12:29-32 KJV

And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Greetings fellow believer in the Awesome Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you this day while he fills you with all Peace. Today we will speak about fear and worry to expose the fact that worry is a byproduct (off-spring, characteristic) of fear. In the greeting sentence we mentioned God filling you with all peace and He can but that doesn’t happen automatically. No, we must follow the teachings of the scriptures which instruct us to seek peace at all cost. Seeking peace is a part of seeking the Kingdom of God. Just like seeking God’s Love and God’s Word (His Will) on things you deal with in everyday life is seeking the Kingdom of God too. The Lord points out three topics that we shouldn’t be overly concerned (worried) about. We start the discussion with food because it is mention first. Food can always be an item of concern because without it your body will starve. However, spending too much time thinking about natural food is unhealthy for your spiritual walk with God. Why? One may ask, “It is because during the day thinking more about God’s great love for you and pondering God’s Word keeps peace flowing to you rather than away from you.” The Lord is not saying don’t think about the food you eat as if you don’t have to prepare a meal or meals each day. No, instead He is teaching not to be overly troubled or worried about food in general. Knowing that Jesus is our Lord and He is always watching over you so you can rely on Him to provide food and drink to keep you (sustain you) each day. Which brings us to our next topic of drink which is even more important to your body then food. It is said one can live several days without food but only a few days without water. Since your body contain a lot of fluid it is no surprise that you need fluids on a daily basis to keep your body functioning properly as it was created to do. Drink, especially water, is vital to the body but it will not profit you to worry about not being able to drink because the Lord put plenty of water in the earth. We should not ponder drinking alcoholic beverages all day to feel better mentally because wine nor strong drink won’t fix your problems but with God’s help through grace and wisdom all problems can be overcome by the believer. It is better for you to believe and confess that, “The Lord always gives me (and my household) a never-ending supply of nourishing food and drink.” We (ihlcc) know that is a confession of faith which brings us to our third topic of a doubtful mind. A doubtful mind in this context could be considered a double mind because it knows two options but chooses not to believe God. This type of mind knows there is a God in Heaven that can provide but it sees the natural side as being more real than the spiritual solution of God. This is the exact reason God teaches us to seek the Kingdom of God, which is His Word to let the Word get deep down in your heart so you will choose God’s Way over the other alternatives in the world. When watching all the trauma going on in the world it breeds fear which that same fear will breed worry. There is a lot of things we are tempted to worry about but choose not to be afraid and choose not to worry about them because our God is greater. This is why The Lord states “Fear Not” because even though trouble and bad times will come to many on the earth it doesn’t have to be your daily fear and concern (worry). Remember, dear Child of God, the very fact that God brought you into His Family as a dearly beloved little child shows us all that He is bound to take care of His own Children. “For what father neglects his own born (again) children when they have the means and resources to provide for them?” Fathers who neglect their own children are ungodly because our God is the exact opposite. The Lord already paid the cost of our sin with His own blood and all other debt costs are paid in full in Christ Jesus. Our Heavenly Father has more than enough to take care of all Heaven and the whole earth at the same time. This why the Lord instructed us to not worry because The Heavenly Father already knows that you have need of these things. Yes, this implies there is heavenly provision to influence our food here on the earth. However, pay close attention to what the Lord told you to do because God is always faithful to do His part if we first do our part. Yes, our part is to “seek first the Kingdom of God” which is the most important spiritual food and drink in the earth. We see in John 6:53-55 the scripture declares God’s Word as our spiritual food and God’s Blood as our spiritual drink. Having a daily diet of God’s Word through fellowship with Him will help to keep you in peace which means “no worry”. Of course we (ihlcc) must say that just reading God’s Word isn’t enough. Reading the word of God will give you some additional spiritual knowledge but studying the Word of God for the purpose of understanding so you can do His will in His Love is the key. Be you doers of the Word not hears only. When we seek God daily we are committing to a new lifestyle because we are born-again in Christ. We are changed into His Image and likeness being a new creature in Christ Jesus. Showing His Love to others includes avoiding all strive by choosing not to argue with someone you are in conversation with. It includes not spending all day watching TV and being glued to the internet displaying bad news. This includes speaking God’s Word over yourself (and family) when bad news comes to you from someone you know. Speaking God’s Word from a faith filled believing heart will generate God’s Peace. When dealing with no fear The Lord’s Peace is our God given answer. Peace sets your mind on ease while chaos is going on in the world. Peace will calm storms and it can also sustain you in everyday life. Therefore, choose God’s Peace by choosing God’s Word, His Love and His guidance. Remember, we (Christians) are all One in Christ so there is no need to fear, so fear not. Dear Beloved child of God don’t fear and don’t worry but as the song states “Be Happy” Amen!